Plants Versus Zombies presents: Talking Zombatar

Plants vs. Zombies GOTY Edition

Zombies are invading your home, and the only defense is your arsenal of plants! Armed with an alien nursery-worth of zombie-zapping plants like peashooters and cherry bombs, you'll need to think fast and plant faster to stop dozens of types of zombies dead in their tracks.

Finally! PopCap has announced a brand new Plants vs. Zombies. Unfortunately, it's not the sequel we've been clamoring for. Instead of offering us a brand new game, PopCap has announced a spin-off app featuring the game's zany zombies.

"PvZ Presents: Talking Zombatar" is a free-to-play app for smartphones and tablets. Essentially a virtual pet simulator, Talking Zombatar will let you carry around your own zombie, dress him up as you'd like, and take photos of you and your zombie together.

Being a free-to-play title, of course, there will be a variety of accessories on sale at Crazy Dave's store. For example, you can buy sunglasses, hats, shoes, or buy full outfits to turn your zombie into an astronaut or a samurai. In addition to photos, you'll also be able to shoot videos with your zombie, and hear him repeat your words "in zombese." Finally, you'll be able to share all this stuff via Facebook and "other social channels that don't get mentioned as much." (Myspace integration, anyone?)

The app should be available "later this year."