A young girl and her loyal friend embark on a rescue mission through a colorful world full of cold machines and unfamiliar creatures. Planet of Lana is a cinematic puzzle adventure framed by an epic sci-fi saga that stretches across centuries and galaxies.
Mui says [i]“Our publisher sale is now live. Please check out Planet of Lana for breathtaking adventures!”[/i]
The [url=https://store.steampowered.com/sale/ThunderfulSale2024]Thunderful Publisher Sale[/url] is live until 21 October and you can pick up Planet of Lana for 50% off until then. And don't forget to check the [url=https://store.steampowered.com/sale/ThunderfulSale2024]full line-up[/url] for even more amazing titles!
Whatever you check out during the sale, we hope you have a Thunderful time ⚡