Pixel-Me v1.21 Beta available for testing


The pixelart portrait-creator for both commercial and personal projects. Create hundreds of unique characters for your game, craft your friends and family or depict your team in pixelart using a massive collection of elements.

Hey guys. I just published the beta version of v1.21, which includes the coloring option for beards now. [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/32934699/9df40d1fc0cb579747df243f02be27c07b0ed988.png[/img] If you are interested in trying it, you can access it by right-clicking on "Pixel-Me" in your library, then select "Properties" and "Betas" in that window. Enter the following passwort: PixelMeBetatest You should now be able to select the beta from the drop-down menu, which should install right away. Enjoy and please send your comments regarding your experiences with the beta! Best, Tassilo