In a small city, a man was struggling to save his business from failure. Despite his best efforts, he was unable to find a solution. One day, while searching for a document in his room, he stumbled upon a dusty book that he had never seen before. The title of the book was “Into The Unknown”.
The final Phase of this update is done and Released.
This Phase adds the following:
-more details to the road
-improved light
-added torches in the maze
-more details in the forest
-preparing the map for the next updates
There are still more updates I need to do for Into The Unknown.
All the updates that are about to come will prepare the game for it's biggest Major Update.
There is still a long way till then.
The game will have a 30% discount tomorrow or Tuesday.
[b][u]VERY IMPORTANT[/u][/b]:
After the discount is done the game price will increase, not by much but it will!