Young Sepehr and his loveable dog, Baboo, set off on a harrowing quest to save their family from the mystical forces of an ancient evil. Embark on an action-adventure, story-driven journey and explore a vast, magical world caught in a battle between light and dark.
Greetings legends,
In case you missed it, The Legend of Baboo was in the PC Gaming Show!
If you’re new here, welcome! To catch you up, the story of Sepehr and Baboo begins when their home is invaded by an ancient evil. Inspired by stories passed down by generations, it is up to them to work together and solve the threat and save their family.
Gear up for an action-packed adventure through cursed wildernesses roaring waters, and frozen lands. Just make sure you don’t let Baboo’s cuteness distract you - each realm is guarded by a relentless demon who will stop at nothing to take over this world.
The team at Permanent Way has been hard at work improving the game - See for yourself in this work in progress teaser:
On behalf of the Permanent Way and Midwest Games teams, thank you for your interest in and support of The Legend of Baboo! If you want to receive more updates, follow us on [url=]Twitter[/url] and join the [url=]Midwest Games Discord[/url] - we’d love to have you!
-The Legend of Baboo Team