Pax Dei will enter Early Access in spring this year

Pax Dei

Welcome to a vast, social sandbox MMO inspired by the legends of the medieval era. Here, myths are real, ghosts exist, and magic is unquestioned. Join thousands of players as you explore the land, build your home, forge your reputation, and craft your own stories. What world will you make?

Yesterday, we had the privilege of seeing Pax Dei being featured in the NVIDIA CES 2024 special address. We invite you to watch the short gameplay trailer we’ve put together for that event, showcasing how [b]DLSS 3 will help players equipped with GeForce RTX get the best out of Pax Dei[/b] by giving them the fastest frame rates possible! In our journey to deliver an MMO playable on any screen, we’re also excited to confirm that [b]we’re working on making Pax Dei available on GeForce Now[/b], at a later date. [previewyoutube=MPbgbiqGoAw;full][/previewyoutube] You can also watch the recap of the full show on the [b][url=]NVIDIA site.[/url][/b] In addition to the trailer, we announced another important bit of news: [b]Pax Dei will enter Early Access in spring this year. [/b] [h2]Why?[/h2] Our game requires a community to come alive. In a sense, the recent Alpha was the first time we saw the game we’re making. The feedback we’ve received is invaluable in making sure we’re going in the right direction, knowing how to improve what we already have, and deciding what to build next. Going into Early Access will allow us to get that feedback loop going permanently. We’ll also reinvest the revenue from Early Access into making the game better and bigger, fulfilling our vision of a living and breathing world that can be your virtual home for years. In every way, Pax Dei will only exist with the support of its players. We’ll be sharing all the details about Early Access as we get closer. In the meantime, our teams are hard at work preparing the game for something that will come earlier: our second Alpha. More on that before too long! Join our community on [url=][b]Discord[/b][/url] to get the latest updates on Pax Dei! [h2]Price & content of Early Access[/h2] We’re currently finalizing our Early Access offers and can’t share the specifics right now. At this point, we can already say that monetization will take the form of a single purchase granting access to the game for the full duration of Early Access. More to come as we get closer. [h2]Date of Early Access[/h2] We don’t have any specific date to share yet - we are focusing our efforts on our upcoming Alpha 2 test session. Don’t forget to [url=][b]sign up[/b][/url] to get a chance to be selected! [h2]Platforms[/h2] All details regarding the Early Access, including the platforms on which the game will be available, will be shared later. Please be patient while we finalize the details. Pax Vobiscum. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43726614/ff9d2272547e7f161b5ecdcc94bf6bb722feb1c2.jpg[/img]