Pawnbarian is a quick-playing, turn-based puzzle roguelike. Play cards to move your hero like a chess piece, and conquer challenging dungeons full of cunning monsters!
...and I'm holding a record low 50% off sale to celebrate!
I have no surprise patches prepared, but as a small treat, check out this lovely piece I comissioned from my buddy [url=]SquareAnon[/url]. It's sized exactly to potentially serve as a 16:9 4K wallpaper.
[url={STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35770431/084c20e7d438638024ead8314b2c07f67618c662.png]open full size[/url]
Pawnbarian matured and expanded a lot over the past year, got localized into 15 languages thanks to your generous contributions, and goes a long way towards letting me and my co-creators support ourselves and letting us pursue new creative endeavors. As always - thank you!
As I've consistently said, there are no more major content updates planned, but I'm never saying never. In the meantime, I hope Pawnbarian will continue to make you launch one more run™ once in a while, and be enjoyed by some new arrivals as well. It's a game I'm immensely proud of.
I'm slowly working towards some new turn-based, boardgame-inspired thingy, possibly even smaller in scale than Pawnbarian. There's a good chance I'll initially launch it as a work-in-progress, browser-playable demo, much like I did with Pawnbarian.
If you'd like to keep an eye out, there are a bunch of ways you can do that:
[*] [url=]follow me on Twitter[/url] to see random creative endeavors and the occasional funpost
[*] [url=]join my Discord[/url] to get a rare @everyone ping with substantial news and chat with some chill peeps
[*] [url=]join my newsletter[/url] to get a rare e-mail with substantial news
[*] [url=]follow my Steam dev page[/url] to get a SECRET RARE notification when I release something new here