Patchnotes 1.0.6

Nimbatus - The Space Drone Constructor

Command the Nimbatus and craft drones out of hundreds of different parts. Survive unknown threats in a fully destructible, procedural universe, compete against other players in different arenas or enjoy complete creative freedom in the sandbox.

We just uploaded a patch (1.0.6) addressing the following things: Thanks for reporting the bugs! Keep on testing! [h3]New Features[/h3][list] [*] New Keybind Settings in the Main Menu [*] Small visual changes in the Tournament Screen [/list] [h3]Improvements[/h3][list] [*] Resource Tank now more accurately displays how full it is [*] Improved visuals of fossil [*] Added sound effect for deploying resources into container [*] Fixed background color of gameover screen to use the correct shade of black [/list] [h3]Balancing[/h3][list] [*] Initial resource amounts now differ depending on the selected difficulty / mode [*] Balanced frostbomb and jumpfish missions on higher difficulties [*] Improved final mission. Added shortcut after you found warp drive [*] Balanced blackbox mission: Less wreckage and no large bees on low difficulty [*] Rebalanced corp outpost mission [*] Buffed starter weapons slightly, added some weapon upgrades [*] Balanced prices of mothership upgrades [*] Balanced rate at which the repair cost increases, now depending on difficulty [/list] [h3]Bugfixes[/h3][list] [*] Fixed Garbageman achievement, the required amount of barrels was 9 instead of 5 [*] Fixed exploit where travel events could be skipped by quitting the game [*] Fixed save file ui in main menu not updating when language is changed [*] Fixed splashscreens, they should now show correctly again [*] Fixed localization of edit drone UI for workshop drones [*] Fixed jungle chest sound effects [*] Fixed wrong materials on pirate enemies [*] Fixed not playing sfx at survival tutorial end when you get rewards [*] Fixed cryo tank not spawning [*] Fixed amount of tortoice dens to destroy [*] Fixed bug where you got a mission in the competitive modes after game-over in survival mode [*] Made altimeter usable on test planet [/list] Cheers, Stray Fawn Studio