Patch Version 1.19 released

Virtual Battlemap

In Virtual Battlemap you build a 3D battle maps, and then export Print & Web Quality 2D map images to be used in tabletop play or online play. Using the simple but powerful map editor you can build any battle map you want. You can also use the 3D maps with table projectors and Screen in table systems.

This patch is an ease of use patch and a preperation for the Overrland DLC. [h1]Ease of Use Changes[/h1] [list] [*] the Delete key can now be used to delete objects [*] Snap is enabled by defult when first placing an item [/list] [h1]Overland DLC Preperation[/h1] [list] [*] [NUMPAD *] Move to Top Layer (When Tile is Selected in edit mode) [*] [NUMPAD +] Move to Middle Layer (When Tile is Selected in edit mode) [*] [NUMPAD -] Move to Bottom Layer (When Tile is Selected in edit mode) [*] Help screen updated with this info [/list]