Patch V1.09 Released

The Lost Village

Once there was a prosperous village of Martials, now none of it remains. As the son of the former Master, you will lead your followers to rebuild this village. Recruit followers and enter the mysterious illusional domain, acquire lost wonders. Will you see the rebirth of ancestors’ glory again?

[h3]BUG Fixes[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed the issue where the mouse disappears when dragging the Torah during the Immortal Ascension battle's end screen popup. [*] Addressed the issue where summoned creatures may be unable to attack or only attack when very close. [*] Resolved the problem where skills such as "Lightning Fang" and "Venomous Trap" couldn't hit the target. [*] Fixed the issue of some summoned creatures experiencing stuttering and shaking during attack animations. [*] Resolved the problem where immediately saving after returning to the sect from the Ascension battle would retain the Blessing and not trigger the ascension. [/list] [h3]Adjustments and Optimizations[/h3] [list] [*] Adjusted the recipe consumption for "QianKun Elixir" and "Meditate Elixir" [*] Slightly increased the probability of dropping elixirs after killing enemies with the "Furnace Labe" in the Astrolabe. [/list]