The S/M/P Initiative is not responsible for any odd abnormalities while playing. Connections to other universes are not monitored or controlled by the video game program. Keep away from children under the age of 6. Fun to play but not to eat.

[h1]Hey Pilots![/h1] Patch V1.06 is live! Expect this to be the last patch for now - we're implementing a pretty crucial change today that should help more effectively deal with save security. Apart from that, not much else! Anyways, it is worth mentioning that those who've played the Steam Game Festival: Autumn Edition version, but not this version yet will have their saves incompatible with the game. You'll be able to play, but several features will be disabled to you as if you're a cheater. I apologize in advance for this - due to a major error at launch, all Steam Game Festival saves were rendered as cheated saves, so since then, I've essentially let the game slide when it came to cheating (but implemented a minor check to occasionally stop obvious cheaters). Anyways, onto the changes! The above paragraph will make sense when I share em so: [h2]=PATCH V1.06 Changes=[/h2] [list] [*] Save security has been tightened up! There is now actual detection for cheating across the game. As I've stressed before - I have no problem with people cheating in the game, but we'd like you to keep that off the achievements/leaderboards stats if possible. This addition shouldn't cause any performance overhead and does not make use of any third-party anti-cheat tool or rootkit. [*] (Pre-Patch V1.06) Fixed a bug where autosaving didn't work. Basically what happened was I accidentally removed it from the game. [/list] NOTE: As the Itch version doesn't have leaderboard connectivity, Patch V1.06 will not be shipped on the Itch version. The patch that fixed Autosaving was already made to the latest version. [h2]=A note about the future of SPACE / MECH / PILOT=[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38769404/4c2134df1213f805f4f03799b21d964bf7901c45.png[/img] One last thing - with the release of this patch, barring any immediate issues concerning the release of the patch, SPACE / MECH / PILOT V1.0's development is officially wrapping! I'd love to tell you what's next - but we're deciding right now to take a break. Releasing and maintaining SPACE / MECH / PILOT's launch has been a exciting, but exhausting toll - and we want to rest up before we head back into the project. I know we haven't addressed a lot of issues and potential bugs people have with the game yet - but rest assured, we haven't been ignoring what everyone's had to say. The feedback we've received here has been placed on our Trello for record-keeping - and we'll be keeping this process up on the regular as we stay in hiatus. Don't worry - between a mountain of fresh ideas and...well, again, the amazing feedback we've gotten from y'all, there's obviously a lot about S / M / P that's still on our minds - but allow for us to recoup before we get back into it. Seriously, thank you all for sticking around and enjoying our little project - this won't be the last you hear from us. If you want to keep up with SKY HOUR WORKS latest antics, we have our [url=]Twitter[/url], [url=]Discord[/url], and also run a [url=]Patreon[/url] for two of our other upcoming projects, [i]RE: DECEIVED VOICE[/i] and [i]PROJECT HAOxSORA[/i]. P.S. - [i]A NIGHTMARE'S TRIP[/i] is still on sale during the Halloween Sale! If you wanna try something a lil' different - a visual novel with tons of (unfortunate) meme comedy and a heart of gold, then perhaps come check out this trip of a adventure! Plus - those who finished SPACE / MECH / PILOT [spoiler]could be interested in acquainting themselves with the world of Natura![/spoiler] Love you all, -Jeff