Patch v1.0.24 Change Logs

God Of Weapons

Embark on a thrilling journey in God of Weapons, an action roguelike where you must ascend the tower of Zhor to reclaim the last light for the world. To survive the monster onslaught on each tower's level, you'll need to obtain and carefully organize weapons and accessories in your inventory.

Patch v1.0.24 Change Logs: [list] [*] Singularist : Shields no longer count as a weapon [*] Barbarian: +50% Attack Speed with Crushing Weapon. [*] Crusader: Correct damage scaling for Holy Shield. Holy Shield also becomes larger with the Range attribute. [*] Wizard: Bonus initial Magic Power. [*] Update Eldritch Knight Aspect. [*] Crossbows prefer to shoot at the nearest targets. [*] Angel Wing: Grant Blessed tag instead of Holy Tag. [*] Magic Amulet: Fix Description. [*] Bandolier: Adjacent weapons gain bonus Crit Damage Modifier. [/list]