

A physics sandbox game for people who like to play with digital toys. Create, control toys and define your goals.

deleted: - [detector component] automatic flip - [spawn component] automatic sorting order - wall blood - [change material] activate with grouping objects fixed: - [particle component] invisible particle(destroy option) when press h bug - [rope/piston/winch/wheel] stay gizmo when delete child object bug - [grab component] multiple weapons grabbed at the same time bug - [inventory component] 'activate wire' connect other component bug - [grab component] bug - 'GIF' bug when slice - [change material] deactivate GIF bug - [grab component tag] copy property bug - [dialogue component] a bug where duplicate sounds are output when there is a sound component in the same object - [inventory component] bug with sound output when spawning items from inventory (ex: gun) - when dealing damage next to a wall (not props), there are buggy pools of blood on it - [particle component] rotation axis bug - [change image] change image from GIF object - [inventory component] freeze position when camera zoom in/out - [inventory component] invisible when main menu changed: - [rope component] change the pulling force to be stronger - [look at component] 'detected target' look only connected detector target - [inventory component] more columns,rows,tags - [detector component] it also detects 'ignore all' collider - [button sensor] visible when press h - [activate wire] change signal color - [button sensor] invisible text when toggle hide option added: - [inventory component] add freeze option - [change material] add tag option - [logic gate component] add 'AND/OR' option - [sound component] add volume option - [main menu] add ambience volume - [activate dual wire] stop delay, cooltime - [activate once component] active for duration updated - [transform component] save local scale [previewyoutube=sZ7LCa2kiXw;full][/previewyoutube] [previewyoutube=qMOWqARCPNI;full][/previewyoutube] [previewyoutube=gJ2FY8FoFdw;full][/previewyoutube] [previewyoutube=Ro3zMSDBndI;full][/previewyoutube]