[*] The tutorial can now be played in local cooperative mode.
[*] A new button has been added in chest menus (left joystick click with controller) that will allow players to automatically transfer items in their inventory to the chest which match items already in the chest.
[*] The item sort function now also automatically stacks identical items.
[*] Improvements have been made to camera movement during the tutorial.
[*] Fixed a bug in local multiplayer mode that caused dialogue to finish if the other played pressed the ESC button.
[*] Fixed a bug in local cooperative mode that could cause dialogue of characters player 2 interacts with to appear on player 1’s side of the screen.
[*] Now, in local cooperative mode, characters use Player 2’s name when Player 2 interacts with them, instead of Player 1’s.
[*] Fixed a bug that caused selected items in decorative mode to get automatically placed when dialogue starts.
[*] Fixed a bug in cooperative mode that could cause players to face the wrong way during the tree-chopping animation if the other player was also chopping a tree at the same time.
[*] Fixed a bug that prevented player 2 from being able to cross the overhead bridge at the blacksmith’s in the city.
[*] Fixed a bug that could cause player 2 to be able to move while the character creator is open.
[*] Fixed visual bugs in the cave.
[*] Translations have been updated.