[h3]Hey campers!
We’re so happy to see so many of you enjoying Kingdom Eighties. In today’s update, we’re bringing you a patch that will eliminate some of the most urgent bugs and issues that you’ve reported to us from your playthroughs.
[b]General fixes[/b]
[*] Your archers will now defend your entire Kingdom if there is a Blood Moon and a Retaliation Wave happening simultaneously, instead of stacking at the Blood Moon side only.
[*] Your archers will no longer sometimes stop attacking while taking part in a Siege assault.
[*] The Champ no longer gets stuck in a running animation when you pay to activate the Siege Dumpster just before exiting a cave.
[*] Fixed an issue that prevented players from picking up their dropped crown after loading a save.
[*] Greed portals should no longer spawn so close to the camp that you are prevented from building your innermost wall. Let us know if the problem persists when you generate a new map!
[b]Episode specific fixes[/b]
[*] The Champ’s trophy event in Episode I will now always trigger correctly when paid for.
[*] Exiting the cave in Episode I without your crown will now trigger game loss correctly, instead of causing a freeze.
[*] The Tinkerer can no longer get stuck in a walking animation by the cave in Episode III.
[*] The workers will no longer drop the canoe as soon as the Siege Dumpster is destroyed or abandoned in the cave in Episode I, which would sometimes leave the canoe out of reach.
[*] Fixed an issue that would cause the player to be stuck in the cave after fulfilling the victory conditions in Episode IV.
[*] You can now leave the cave in Episode IV at any time, allowing you to regroup and try again after a failed Siege assault.
[b]Achievement fixes[/b]
[*] “County Connection” will now trigger correctly in all episodes.
[*] “Saw Boss” will now trigger correctly in Episode IV.
[*] “Loner” will now trigger correctly in Episode IV.
[*] “George Burnett Had Twins” will now trigger correctly in Episode IV.
[h3]We’ll have another update to Eighties ready for you after the dev team has returned from their summer holidays. Stay tuned![/h3]