Roulette is a 3D Horror-Adult game that revolves around the chilling ritual of taking turns firing a shotgun.
[b]We’re excited to share the latest patch, bringing key improvements to the game based on your feedback![/b]
[*] [b]AI [/b]Adjustments: A common concern has been that the AI "[b]cheats[/b]" or always seems to make [b]perfect [/b]decisions. We want to clarify that the AI has never cheated—its decisions were based on probabilities and memory of previous moves. However, we’ve adjusted the AI to make it feel more balanced and fair. The AI will now make more [b]human-like mistakes[/b], especially in situations where outcomes are not 100% certain. We’ve introduced a slight chance for the AI to misjudge bullet states, even in scenarios where it previously had near-perfect certainty. This adds a level of unpredictability and ensures matches are fair without making the game too easy.
[*] [b]Fair Card Distribution[/b]: Another major concern was that the AI always seemed to get better cards. To address this, we’ve made the card distribution fully [b]transparent[/b]. When 3 cards are being dealt to both players, you now pick your 3 cards from a pool of 6. The remaining 3 cards automatically go to the enemy, so you can clearly see which cards you passed up, ensuring the AI isn’t unfairly getting stronger cards. This [b]guarantees [/b]complete [b]fairness [/b]in how cards are distributed between players.
[*] [b]New Ammo UI[/b]: We’ve added an ammo status system to the UI. After each reload, all bullets are initially shown as question marks ("?"). The status of each bullet—whether it’s live or empty—is only updated as they are fired or skipped. This allows you to [b]keep track of the sequence[/b] and understand the current bullet's state as the game progresses, but without revealing the entire ammo loadout at once.
[*] [b]Bug Fixes[/b]: We’ve addressed several bugs that could interfere with gameplay, improving overall stability and performance.
[i]These changes help create a more transparent and enjoyable experience, ensuring that the game feels both challenging and fair. Thank you for your feedback, and keep it coming—we’re always working to improve the game![/i]