Patch Update 1.14

Zero Below The Sun

Classic survival horror reimagined with a retro look and modern feel, set in a top secret underground research facility in Antarctica.

Hello! Time for a new patch. This time it's mostly bug fixes and some adjustments. I hope you will enjoy! [u][b]Fixes and updates:[/b][/u] [list] [*]Added and relocated some item pickups [*]Added interval ammo drops to some bosses [*]Fixed a issue with some item pickup crates and enemies not giving the intended key item [*]Fixed a Mod Disk equip/un-equip glitch [*]Fixed "Cannot carry anymore" message prompt for item drops [*]Fixed some collision issues [*]Removed filter on Scope view and increased the zoom [*]Cleaned up and updated some cutscenes [/list] That's it for now. Until next time!