Patch Release! Fixes And More

Titanic: Fall Of A Legend

Step aboard the RMS Titanic and experience the last moments of the most famous ocean liner to have ever been built. This unique experience provides you with the tragic events in extraordinary detail that caused the Titanic's demise.

Hello Everyone, We have just released an update that addresses some issues that have been reported to us. [h1]Fixes and changes[/h1] [list] [*]The lifeboats at the rear of the ship now appear. Previously many of them were not visible [*]The multiple smaller staircases on the lifeboat deck now work correctly. If you went over them you fell through [*]The player should now move even more smoothly throughout the interior spaces [*]The footstep interval has been changed so it is more realistic [/list] If you are enjoying the game, please remember to leave a review! It helps alot. Our upcoming game: [h3]Interactive Gaming Studios[/h3]