Patch Notes Version: 1.1.11

I Am Fish

I Am Fish is a charming, physics-based adventure starring four intrepid fish friends, forcibly separated from their home in a pet shop fish tank. Swim, fly, roll and chomp your way to the open ocean in a bid for freedom and to re-unite once again.

[list] [*] Added a brief timer after the piranha attaches to an object where the bite can't be deactivated accidentally by rapidly pressing the ability button [*] Adjusted Nigel's repathing timer when repathing after losing sight of the fish and adjusted paths in the corridor area so Nigel won't trap the player in rooms [*] Added temporary barriers to prevent the fish from being thrown out of the suitcase when transitioning to the plane in Flying Fish Level 3 [*] Fixed colliders on the top of the escalator in Flying Fish Level 3 so that the fish can't be thrown out of the bucket when hitting the sides with the corner of the bucket [*] Regrettably stopped Greg's head from disappearing when respawning in Iron Fish mode in the Aquarium level [*] Fixed issue where the last minecart in Flying Fish level 2 would empty itself if jumped in prior to it hitting the last gate [*] Added water volumes to burst water pipes in Flying Fish 2 so that suffocation timer is reset when entering the water stream [*] Adjusted trajectory of a burst pipe stream in Flying Fish level 2 to more consistently hit a warning sign that triggers a flood as it was previously easy to miss if entering the stream from certain angles [*] Removed menu option to skip checkpoint in Iron Fish mode after dying [*] Fixed achievement for all achievements being unlocked not unlocking and adding check on start up to award the achievement if all achievements have been unlocked [*] Reverted suitcases resetting on the first suitcase belt on respawn, now only resets suitcases that have flipped off the belt with a fish inside [*] Fixed various places where PlayStation controller buttons were missing in the UI [*] Changed Curve Digital to Curve Games [*] Replaced numbers in Aquarium and Space levels with dpad icons when using a controller to fix corrupted text issue and more accurately show controls [*] Fix for light gates in the Aquarium level getting stuck when dropped from a height [*] Removed shallow water area by big tank Greg in the Aquarium [*] Fix for fade to black on death in the Aquarium [*] Fix for point in Flying Fish level 1 where the fish can get stuck [*] Fix for blue crate in the market of Flying Fish level 1 that could repel the bucket at great force if hit with a corner of the bucket [*] Prevented fish from being bounced when landing under the trampoline in Goldfish level 2 [*] Fix for scrollbar not appearing in the game settings [*] Fix for selection bar on "Invert Flight controls" not aligning correctly in Russian [*] Added collision to planks with missing collision in Puffer level 2 [*] Expanded water volume to cover behind first valve in the Space level [*] Fixed colliders in the office section of Flying Fish level 3 to prevent getting stuck under the lamp and to more accurately match the dividers [*] Added colliders prevent getting stuck on the ladder in Goldfish level 2 [*] Fix for incorrect achievements being unlocked by the criteria for other achievements [/list]