Patch Notes: v1.1.1

Bitty Engine

Bitty Engine is an itty bitty game engine, with built-in editors, programmable in Lua.

Patch notes v1.1 → v1.1.1: Enhanced modules, improved usability, fixed some bugs. [list] [*]Added an [b]Application.setOption(...)[/b] function to change application behaviour [*]Added [b]rot:__add(...)[/b], [b]rot:__sub(...)[/b], [b]rot:__unm()[/b] operators to the [b]Rot[/b] object [*]Added context menu to graphics-based editors [*]Added a menu item to reload project [*]Added a dialog box to resize helper grid of the image editor [*]Fixed a render target resetting issue [*]Fixed a crash bug when asset ref is unloaded [*]Fixed a crash bug when error occurred [*]Fixed a manual exiting issue when debug is disabled [*]Fixed an infinite sleep issue (Windows) [*]Fixed an ellipse drawing bug of the graphics-based editors [*]Improved error handling during parsing [*]Improved asset lookup performance [/list]