Patch notes v1.0.5

Legendary Journeys

Create your party of adventurers and set out on a quest to free an old man's magically imprisoned son. Journey the lands of Farmoor in search of the four artifacts needed to reform The Eye of Baal. Not all that live in Farmoor sees this as a good thing.

[b]Release - 1.0.5 Notes[/b] [b]Developer Notes[/b] Fixed an issue with the main quest which I broke at some point and didn't realize it. It is the finale of the story. So, if you feel you can't proceed and have completed the needed tasks, you can send me your saved game file and I'll set the flag which wasn't being set like it should for you to proceed. [b]NOTE:[/b] When using a spellbook, tome, manual, etc, press the Escape key to close the inventory window to see the character select dialog. I'll see if I can find a better location for the dialog or auto-close the inventory window [list] [*] [b]Fixed[/b] - Main quest finale is fixed. [*] [b]Fixed[/b] - Haste book of learning lists the correct skill needed to learn (air) [*] [b]Fixed[/b] - Spellbook Circle of Cold can be used to learn the spell now [*] [b]Fixed[/b] - Innkeeper at the Sour Crow Tavern, in Soduruin, gives you your purchased food now [*] [b]Fixed[/b] - Innkeeper at the Lonely Dragon, in Meririch Valley, gives you your purchased food now [*] [b]Fixed[/b] - Innkeeper at the Old Oak Tavern gives you your purchased food now and takes your money [*] [b]Fixed[/b] - Description for Master Perfect Strike has been corrected [/list] [list] [*] [b]Informational[/b] - Adjusted some lore text to not get cutoff in the message window [*] [b]Informational[/b] - Updated Necro's starting mind and body stats to be correct. Will not affect existing games, however. [/list]