Patch Notes - Update 1.0.2

[h3][b]Bug Fixes[/b][/h3] [b]Sync & Save[/b] [list] [*] Fixed savegame corruption that would happen after winning certain types of war. [*] Ironman mode no longer requires cloud saves. You can also now play Ironman (and therefore unlock achievements) without an internet connection. [*] Fixed Advisor’s preferences. New games will now be remembered if the player chooses not to have the advisor and tips present in previous games. [/list] [b]Gameplay[/b] [list] [*] Removed the War Situation Event "Lost Contact" that made fleets disappear. [*] The "Control Demilitarized Zone" node for the Federation can now be completed. Game Restart is needed for this fix to be effective. [*] Fixed highway visuals. Warp highways no longer point to the galactic core in certain situations (like fighting a Nausicaan fleet), but to their given directions. [*] Borg Crisis [list] [*]The Borg crisis will no longer be impossible to complete if Picard dies before the "The Official" project appears. If you are playing as the UFP and don't have Picard when "The Official" special project finishes, a new leader will now be created so that you can finish the rest of the crisis the same way as the other MaPos. [*]Countdown timers and auto-fail conditions were added for Borg Crisis Special Projects so the player will not be blocked from continuing the Crisis if they do not finish a Special Project. [*]All finished Special Projects related to the Borg Crisis will now be removed from the Mission Log upon completion. [/list][/list] [b]Content[/b] [list] [*] Corrected duplicated Riker character. Riker will no longer appear as a recruitable leader, he'll only replace Picard as captain of the Enterprise. [*] Removed the War Situation Event "Lost Contact" that made fleets disappear. [*] The "Control Demilitarized Zone" node for the Federation can now be completed. Game Restart is needed for this fix to be effective. [*] Fixed Idanian's "Secretive" trait. It now reduces the energy upkeep of pops by -25%, as it was intended. [*] Romulan Supernova Event will now be triggered when players evacuate all of their pops from Romulus before the sun turns Supernova, as it was originally intended. [*] “Defensive Pacts, Non-Aggression Pacts, Commercial Pacts, Research Agreements, and Guarantee Independence will not be blocked even if one of the Powers involved dominates the Balance of Power with a great advantage.” [*] The following buildings will now be planet-unique [list] [*] UFP’s Chateau [*] Romulan’s Amphitheater [*] Cardassian’s Surveillance Complex [*] Klingon’s Pilgrimage Site [/list][/list] [b]Ships[/b] [list] [*] Reworked ships' behavior[list] [*] Outside Warp Zone Ranges[list] [*] Fleets can now travel into any system within your warp range even after being left out of it by ending a war or terminating a share warp agreement [/list] [*] When in combat[list] [*] Ships will now take into account their weapon's range to engage valid targets while following their combat computer's given behavior, ensuring they make good use of all their weapons.[/list][/list][/list] [list][*] Fixed ship options[list] [*] Ships obtained through assimilation now don't show the upgrade button active. [/list][*] Fixed Fleet Manager settings[list] [*] The Enterprise will now be protected from accidental dismantling. [/list][/list][list] [*] Klingon Bird of Prey can now be equipped with a Cloaking Device. [/list] [b]UI[/b] [list] [*] The initial UI scaling will now be determined by the game's resolution. [*] The Empire Selection Screen is now available in every possible resolution. [*] Changed the default window mode setting to borderless fullscreen to avoid initial crashes on certain systems. [*] Tutorial steps will no longer be blocked by the tutorial prompt. [*] Fixed ship size’s iconography inconsistency and positions. [*] Corrected scrollbar issue in the technology window. [*] The 'L' hotkey will now allow players to access the lobby chat during a multiplayer game. [/list] [b]Audio[/b] [list] [*] Ownership of Klingon VO pack and Lower Decks theme pack is now properly verified by the launcher. [*] The following audio messages will no longer be triggered every time a leader is removed from the game for different reasons nor play at the start of the tutorial [list] [*] UFP: We have lost a true Federation Hero. [*] Romulan: We have lost a great military mind [*] Klingon: One of our bravest has gone to Sto-vo-kor. [*] Cardassian: One of our union’s most loyal subjects has passed into History. [/list] [/list] [b]Language, spelling & localization[/b] [list] [*] Updated Borg ship localization. It will now reflect that not all Borg ships are cube-shaped. [*] Fixed spelling. Coridan planet/system is now spelled correctly according to the lore [*] Rectified tooltips: [list] [*] Info for the "Miner's Research" modifier of the Femnova event. It now shows its effect: "Miners produce Research: +0.25". [*] Update clarifying why a high balance of power differential prevents some diplomatic actions with other civilizations. [*] Update clarifying Silent Alarms and their relation to possible spy presence in that system. [*] Corrected Malcorian's "Cynical" trait effect tooltip typo. It now says “Specialists produce”. [*] Fixed localization in the Advanced Bio-Crop Theory tech tooltip for Klingons. [/list] [/list]