Patch Notes for Update 1.1.0

Size Matters

You play as a scientist who is shrinking every second in a race against time! Find all the ingredients and formulas scattered around the laboratory, which are necessary for producing the life-saving antidote. But beware, your time is very precious.

[h1]Patch notes for Update 1.1.0[/h1] [list] [*] Added different sound effects for various items across all laboratories [*] Opening every drawer and cupboard takes 0.4 seconds now [*] Some objects have been made a bit quieter [*] Fixed pivot point of some objects [*] Added new achievements! [*] Modified some achievements a bit! [*] Added new slider in the play menu = STRENGTH (1 is the default, anything higher increases player strength through the game which means the player can carry objects easier when smaller and lower than 1 makes everything harder to carry and move) [*] Fixed a bug with opening and closing double cupboards in Kitchen and Laboratory 3! [*] Fixed some audio issues! [*] Modified audio settings! [*] Cheats - highlight all formulas and ingredients now works as intended! [*] Removed some non-essential items from laboratories! [*] and other smaller changes... [/list] ⭐️[b]PLEASE leave a review on Steam if you like Size Matters! It would help me so much![/b] ⚗️🔬 ⭐️Join discord here: 👌🏼 ✔️