PATCH NOTES [22.12.2024]


Inferna is a player-friendly, free-to-play open-world MMORPG with unique combat system and a game world that sets no limits to the game experience.

[b]New Features[/b] - **New Monsters Added (Level 70):** Fresh challenges await with new foes for high-level players. - **New Succubus (Level 71):** A deadly new enemy joins the battlefield. --- [b]Changes[/b] - **Essences:** Updated graphical icons for clearer visuals in your inventory. - **Rift Adjustments (Levels 70-80):** Balanced for a better experience in high-level zones. - **Improved Drops:** Enhanced drop rates for lower-level upgrade stages to assist in smoother progression. Enjoy the latest additions and let us know your thoughts! Thank you for being part of the Inferna community. Happy hunting! :star: **The Inferna Team**