Put your love for pups to the test - we have a bunch of dogs that need their photos taken, doggone it! Photograph and catalogue the finest (and derpiest) dogs to build your career, upgrade your camera, and discover new canines. WOOF.
Hello Pupparazzos!
Here is the first round of patch notes. Please continue to report any issues or bugs on our[url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1028350/discussions/0/3186860850586553398/] Known Issues Thread[/url].
-Saving photos is now integrated with the Steam screenshot system!
-Game is now playable on Mac M1 (various issues fixed including disappearing text and photos not appearing properly)
-"Recycle photos" screen should now always work with gamepads
-Several animation fixes (dogs rolling over, running away from scootvac)
-Slight improvements to photo content detection
-Options menu slightly adjusted to reduce accidental language changes
-Particles no longer appear sideways in portrait photos
New Features/Content
-Minor art fixes to Boardwalk & Mellowstone (Froggurt vendors now wear lil' frog hats)
-A new mission is available on the post-credits level (it was supposed to be in at launch but it wasn't working)
To Xbox players: The patch is live now as well. Please check the [url=https://discord.gg/kitfoxgames]pupperazzi Discord channel[/url] for the latest updates.
-Alexandra+ Sundae Month