Patch Notes 1.03

The Painter's Playground

For creation and collection aficionados, The Painter’s Playground offers a game-based sandbox to craft and collect 2D artwork and share it with the online community. Strive to either be the buzz of the arthouse as a creator of sought-after works, or own the most coveted collection - or both!

Feb. 22 at Noon EST, The Painter's Playground 1.03 is available. A lot has been accomplished in the past two weeks, and we couldn't have done it without our awesome community of artists and collectors. [b]Here are the patch notes, please read carefully, since it differs from the previous announcement.[/b] [h1]Fixed:[/h1] [list] [*]Cleared up a bug that was causing improper displays in the leaderboards. [*]Cleared up an even more insidious bug that was giving everyone the wrong number of "thumbs given". [/list] [h1]Changed:[/h1] [list] [*]Zoom level has been increased. [*]The base calculated price of paintings has been slightly decreased. [*]You can now set the prices of your paintings *lower*, as has been requested. [*]Removing a painting from being on sale can lower its market value. Seller beware! [/list] [h1]Noticed:[/h1] [list] [*]Something I put in a long time ago, and forgot about... [*]When you're in the Harbor, you can press 'S' on the keyboard to see which paintings *you* are selling. [*]You can also press 'W' to see which paintings you are showcasing. [*]I'm not sure whether this will be developed further, removed, or left alone. [/list] [h1]Added:[/h1] [list] [*]There is now an "Are you sure" pop-up window when flagging a painting. [*]You can now click on an artist's name in the Harbor or Community gallery, and see all their public paintings. [*]You can now use the TAB key to scroll through your favorite colors, in addition to the existing 1,2,3,4,5,6 hotkeys. [*]Press SHIFT while painting to save your work in progress. This happens automatically occasionally, but better safe than sorry ;) [*]There are now "search modes" in the Community Showcase gallery! [*][b]There is now a "folder" button in the lower right in Your Private Gallery.[b] [*]This opens the media folder on your computer where your local paintings are stored, to make it easy to share your work with the world. [*]So please share your work with the world: twitter, instagram, deviant art, facebook, etc. [/list] [h1]Twittered:[/h1] [list] [*]You can now tweet links to finished paintings: [*]Go to "Settings" and turn Auto-Tweet On. [*]Each time you finish a painting in your studio and you upload it directly to the Harbor, you will have the option to tweet it to your followers. [*]This also works when completing a daily challenge. [*]It does not work in Oyster mode. [*]Paintings that are not immediately uploaded can not be auto-tweeted, because there is nothing to link to. [*]But with the new easy access to your media folder, you might be able to do this yourself ;) [/list] [h1]Improved:[/h1] [list] [*]Steam Achievement Tracking [/list] [h1]Started:[/h1] [list] [*]Looking deeper into achievement tracking, due to player reports. [/list] [h1]WARNED:[/h1] [list] [*][b]Steam cloud is not perfect.[/b] Due to the nature of the game, it has a lot of files, and this can take a long time to sync up, especially on slow connections and/or old machines. [*]Orinigally, we had it so that your local gallery paintings were not stored in the steam cloud. [*]But then users were missing paintings between computers. [*]So now, the steam cloud has been set to include your local gallery. [*]If you notice problems, let us know, and you can contact Bob directly at saunders72 at hotmail dot com [/list] [h1]The Future:[/h1] We are working on our road map for The Painter's Playground right now. We can do a small-to-medium sized update in about one month, or a larger one in about three months. We'd really like to give you some new painting tools, we've had lots of suggestions from [url=]this thread[/url]. Getting them right will take time. And there's also the Golden Gallery to think about, *and* an art gallery companion app on Android!!! So yeah, busy ːsteamhappyː Keep painting, spread the word, and enjoy! Bob NZM