Patch Notes 1.0.17


Phylakterion is a 1-4 player online co-op horror game in which you’ll enter different locations in search of a possessed vessel. Search, Identify, and Destroy the vessel and the entity inhabiting it – before the entity finds YOU!

[b]NEW[/b] Enhanced candle mechanics: The candle will now require holding an object in the left hand to be usable for waxing. It will now also have a visual cue when successfully used as a destruction means. [i]Note: There has been a lot of confusion about the candle during the destruction process. Hopefully the visual feedback will now make it more clear if the waxing step was done successfully. Please remember that like with all other destruction methods, the feedback only suggests that the candle was USED. It does not confirm the object to be the vessel, nor you being on the right destruction sequence.[/i] [b]FIXES[/b] Resolved issue causing objects to clip through walls/floor when thrown or upon death, ensuring proper dropping and prevention of disappearing Fixed a bug that allowed crouching into kitchen ovens