[*] Selecting hot slots with clicks while not in the inventory has been resolved.
[*] Disappearing landmines from the inventory when moving between different slots has been fixed.
[*] Issue with transferring to the first page and improper sorting after crafting an item has been addressed.
[*] Village rendering now happens separately, improving performance.
[*] Shotgun sound no longer plays when attempting to shoot during cooldown.
[*] Item names are now properly localized in the inventory.
[b]From Now On:[/b]
[*] The number of fake teleportations by enemies has been decreased.
[*] The number of teleportation particles for the teleporting enemy has been reduced.
[*] Night time now grows slower as you progress.
[*] The speed of enemy shotgun bullets has been decreased.
[*] Giant Knight's health points have been reduced.
[*] The order in which new enemies appear has been changed for better pacing.
[*] Added panels with full ingredient names on hover in the crafting menu.
[*] Stamina Bar is now located above hot slots not under as earlier.