Patch notes (0.9.22)


Ever just tired of it all? Ready for change? Wanna bet it all on sheer mayhem and destruction? In comes Maniac, a rogue-lite crime action game in which the world goes against you, and your insanity creates chaos!

A bunch of fixes & improvements for all my good and bad girls and boys. Merry Christmas! [b]version 0.9.22[/b] [auto-aim/auto-fire] auto-aim gets temporary disabled if mouse or right stick moved added auto-fire stop if Fire pressed [balance] item prices over level 5 increased more significantly lasers are a bit tougher [gameplay] followers shoot more inteligently less vertical gun fire spread improved flyable vehicles controls [UI/QoS] added loadout menu refund button help game pauses if window out of focus (Alt+Tab) rearranged game settings changed console button from F12 to [Right Shift + Home] [fixes] fixed physics issues with street lights fixed game not ending on time with Most Wanted upgrade fixed item description not refreshing after refund fixed no button focused on return to loadout menu (with gamepad) fixed issue with blue screen appearing fixed upgrade icons overlapping money in character selection screen flyable vehicle UI shows fly up icon instead of hand brake fixed missing vehicle gun icons