A 17-year-old girl named Pandora has opened a box containing evils that could destroy the world. Kome Village, her home, is invaded by creatures spawned from the darkness and the legendary Titans. During the invasion, Pandora must battle countless enemies and demons, including her own inner turmoil.
Hey all!
We hope you've been enjoying the game so far! We're here again with a few bug fixes and content changes. We've been focusing a lot on gameplay modifications and updating the landscape.
We'll be posting a developer post that will go more into what we've been doing and plan to do.
[h1]Fixes and Changes[/h1]
[*] New characters added around Kome.
[*] New monster, Cyclops, will appear in missions going forward. Can you spot them in their new cave?
[*] New umbrella texture added. This now fits better with Pandora's helmet.
[*] Friend now has a name. Theo!
[*] Theo's textures have been changed. He had the same as Poseidon.
[*] Missions objectives have been made more clear.
[*] Temple area is now accessible. And it has also been remade!
[*] Attacks have been shifted to deal slightly more damage. Monsters have also had their health adjusted.
[*] Objective destinations have been altered slightly on the map.
[*] Tutorials don't pause the player now.
[*] General level cleanup. Assets going through one another. Added more nature particles around Kome.
[*] Various performance fixes.
These changes are live now!
Keep telling us about any issues in the Steam forums or join our Discord https://discord.gg/6WSRP2jFq9!
Community Manager