A 17-year-old girl named Pandora has opened a box containing evils that could destroy the world. Kome Village, her home, is invaded by creatures spawned from the darkness and the legendary Titans. During the invasion, Pandora must battle countless enemies and demons, including her own inner turmoil.
Hey everyone,
We hope you've been enjoying the game so far! We're back again with a few small changes that have been requested from the community over the past couple of days. We've been focusing a lot on gameplay changes and bug fixing the glaring issues in the current build.
Keep an eye out for our dev post which will go deeper into what we're planning for Pandora in the future.
[*] Added randomness to racers and sped them up.
[*] Added in an opening cutscene about the story of the Gods.
[*] Pause screen now added with the controls
[*] Pause screen added to quit the game
[*] Fixed up level design issues with the village.
[*] Updated the VFX for levelling up.
[*] Updated the VFX for healing.
[*] Added the LB button to show you can open your magic menu.
[*] Updated Pandora's combos attacks. There's now variety.
[*] Updated the umbrella design.
[*] Updated the quest objectives.
[*] Updated the puzzles.
[*] Combos should correctly alternate
These changes are live now!
Keep telling us about any issues! We're working on fixing the big ones right away!
Please note, we're working fully on making the gameplay experience fun! Bear with us and keep your feedback coming through! Make sure to join our Discord server here: https://discord.gg/3fjf8zN
Community Manager