Patch Note (Version


Nightmare is a single-player survival-horror game. Once in a bad dream, you will have to decide: find a way to wake up or stay in it forever.

Hey guys! Glad to share with you the first Patch for the game! The game will be available on November 10, 2022 - 9:00 PM CET and 12:00 PM PST. [b][h1][h3][h1]Fixes:[/h1][/h3][/h1][/b] - Fixed an issue where Weather Selection tab could be opened while it's Tutorial - Fixed an issue where pressing ESC button in the Main Menu didn't create Quit Game request - Fixed an issue where Controller could lose the focus in the Pause Menu - Fixed an issue where Dead Zone fog didn't render on Low and Medium options of Shadow Quality - Fixed an issue where Light Sources in the Basement Dead Zone weren't flickering - Fixed an issue where Examinable Item starts floating if Sleep Demon catches you while Examining If you faced any bugs, have any recommendations or just want to be up to date with the game, feel free to join my Discord channel: