[Patch note] Ver.1.10a Additional fixes and implementations


Slash through enemies with the Sun Blade, the most powerful weapon in Shmup's history! Overwhelm hordes of enemies with flashy on-screen effects in this super-aggressive vertical scrolling shump!

Ver. 1.01e > Ver. 1.10a Made some additional fixes and implementations to improve the gameplay. - Fixed some UI issues. - Added risky blade bullets for some enemies. - Adjusted the contact damage of some middle size enemies. - Added "ZANGEKILL(斬)" bonus to some middle size enemies. - Fixed an issue on some enemy characters' death. - Added a warning to the surprise attack before the stage 2 boss. - Fixed an issue with the timer (score subtraction) during boss battles. - Reduced damage from collision with stage 4 boss (from 128 to 101) - Fixed an issue with the stage 5 boss, and added a time limit (timer) from the start of the battle. - The attack pattern of the final form of the last boss was partially changed. - Fixed other minor display issues.