Lobotomy Corporation | Monster Management Simulation

A roguelite monster-management simulation inspired by the likes of the SCP Foundation, Cabin in the Woods, and Warehouse 13. Order your employees to perform work with the creatures and watch as it unfolds; harness greater energy, and expand the facility

[h1] 1. Balance adjustments and changes [/h1] [list] [*] Change to receive damage when a special work is in progress while D-01-105 is escaped [*] Add missing contents of management method of D-01-105 [*] Increased the D-01-105's suppression difficulty [*] Decreased Special attack probability of the weapon of D-01-105 [*] Add special features to the armor of D-03-109 [*] Management difficulty of D-03-109 is lowered and new management method is added [*] Increased the D-03-109's suppression difficulty [*] Increased the D-02-107's suppression difficulty [*] Upgraded attack damage when D-01-110 is escaped [*] Add a management method to supplement the ambiguous description of O-04-66 [/list] [h1] 2. Bug fixes and additions [/h1] [list] [*] Added the ability to resize the log window [*] Fixed the problem which customizing of battle eyebrows is not applied properly [*] Fixed the problem which the scroll bar of the job log looks abnormally [*] Fixed the problem which the name of the Abnormality was shown according to the observation level [*] Fixed the problem which the character stopped moving when D-01-106 escaped twice. [*] Fixed the problem which employee's moving was abnormal when attacking some ordeals [*] Fixed the problem which the effect was created even after T-01-68 was suppressed [*] Fixed the problem which the text of some E.G.O was wrong [*] Fixed the problem which the weapon's additional damage of O-05-76 did not fit properly [*] Fixed the problem which the weapon of D-01-110 becomes infinitely strong [*] Fixed the problem which special E.G.O GIFT did not appear in the UI [*] Edit Japanese version layout of employee information window [*] Fixed the problem which the department move button was hidden in the employee information UI when suppressing [*] Fixed the problem which employees were suspended due to buffs assigned to employees [*] Fixed the problem which Bina stopped at a certain pattern [*] Fixed the problem which could not see the story in the Story Viewer when saw two or more bad endings [/list]