Patch note v0.0.8

Tales of Finariel : Card based RPG

Forge your destiny in Legends of Finariel, a card based hand-drawn RPG. Defeat monsters, gather items and develop new abilities to unlock all the cards you will need to become the best challenger Finariel has and will ever know.

[h2]Features[/h2] [list] [*] Submap system: You can now enter some areas to explore it in depth. [*] Quest HUD: a HUD now displays your current objectives. [*] Monsters can now aggro depending on the level difference. [*] New map areas. [/list] [h2]Quality of life[/h2] [list] [*] Energy system is now removed. [*] Cards now display details about its effects. [*] You can now right click to equip/unequip items. [*] You can now press escape to open/close the menu. [/list] [h2]Bug fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Drag & dropping the sword in the first quest no triggers the rest of the quest correctly. [*] Mark now removed when triggered. [/list] Thanks for playing! Don't forget to fill the [url=]feedback form[/url]. It helps a lot! You can also join the game's Discord if you wanna talk about it, either to give your feedback, influence the development or just chat. Join us at Thibaut from Rockdev