Stan, a professional diver in the North Sea, is struggling to overcome a life-changing loss during an extended mission underwater. Stuck in his self-imposed solitude, he starts to experience strange events and will have to make the most significant choice of his life...
Hello divers!
A new patch is available now for Under the Waves!
This patch introduces new graphical options and also fixes other bugs:
[u][b]Gameplay: [/b][/u]
● Fixed Moon still going forward during WWII submarine reveal.
● Added respawning oil traces after Day 15 for players being stuck during Depollution quest if they already cleaned all the oil traces.
● Fixed synchronization in the guitar mini game.
● Fixed Stan playing air guitar.
● It’s no longer possible to exit the Life Module before completing all the morning objectives during Day 16.
● Stan correctly switches to swim when falling from a platform.
● All Platforms: Stan doesn’t fall through Moon when entering from a platform.
● Fixed landslide blocking Stan away from Moon, in Sector C.
● Fixed the ending cutscene sometimes not being played.
● Fixed a gameover loop when lacking oxygen.
● Fixed a loot zone near Sector B generating a big white circle marker on the map.
● Fixed sticker boxes looking like they're not opened yet.
● The helix collisions have been improved in the tunnels.
● Removed a collision in Dispatcher, preventing the player from reaching and interacting with a door.
● Fixed an issue where the player could land on the top of the MainDrill Building in sector A without cleaning the oil trace.
● Removed a hole in the landscape near Sector C entrance.
● Probe’s cave entrances have been modified to make them more visible.
● Fixed collisions on the base of the Life Module.
● Fixed floor collision in drone hive.
● Fixed collisions on some rocks.
● Removed some rocks floating on the Dispatcher’s pipes.
● Removed some foliage floating in the Abyss cave.
● Removed some vegetation floating above the surface, near sector A.
● Fixed visual glitches that occur sometimes in the Life Module.
● Changed displayed screen on the broken antenna.
● Fixed flying turbines over the elevator.
● Fixed Moon Garage Door staying open.
[u][b]Music & voices: [/b][/u]
● Fixed generic music being cut in some conditions.
● There are more moments to appreciate the silence of the ocean.
● Fixed Stan’s dialog when interacting with the mirror, being not coherent with the moment of the day.
● French version only: Fixed the dialog during a call with Emma being cut by another dialog.
[u][b]Options: [/b][/u]
● Added Graphic Option to attenuate the Grain.
● Added Graphic Option to disable the Chromatic Aberration.
● Added an option to invert the camera X axis when using the mouse.
● Added an option to disable the Letterboxing.
● Added an option to disable the Lens Dirt.
[u][b]Saves: [/b][/u]
● Now supports saves on the Cloud.
● Fixed the save of daily logs that might be not saved sometimes.
[u][b]Misc: [/b][/u]
● Disabled tips in loading screens after Stan’s last choice.