Patch Note - And one more!

Dance Dash

Arcade-style rhythm pumping FREE FULL BODY TRACKING on VR & PC. Empowered by BodyLink mobile/webcam AI tracking. Groove to 100s of community songs and maps IN-GAME plus viral dance videos and MVs.

[h2]New Feature![/h2] [h3]Added In-Game Avatar Support[/h3] Requires 2 foot trackers & 1 waist tracker to use [h3]Supports Custom Avatars in VRM format[/h3] Put your VRM files into [\Dance Dash_Data\StreamingAssets\Avatars] [h3]Known Issues[/h3] Characters may appear overly bright due to bloom Avatars with complex materials may be rendered incorrectly Some Avatars may have scale and binding issues [h3]We’ll continue to improve the compatibility of this feature[/h3] [h2]One More Thing![/h2] [h3]Added Camera Tracking Preview for VR version[/h3] You can use a webcam to track your feet while holding controllers in your hands This would help with headsets that having difficulties tracking controllers on feet Switch to [Betas > feature_preview] from the game properties page to check out this new feature! [h3]For camera related issues, please check the guide for desktop version[/h3] [url=]Camera Setup Guides[/url]