Patch Beta 1.0.2

Mandela Syndrome

A horror puzzle game about keeping the world from being forgotten, one box at a time. Control multiple switchboards, solve puzzle minigames and survive the horrors of this strange Association.

[b]Bug Fixes[/b] - Fixed an issue where locker doors could cause you to clip into objects and softlock the game. - Removed a bug where hitting the spacebar on Sunday would cause the Player to be violently murdered by Entity-A. - Fixed explosive crates not exploding. - Re-added explosive crates explosion animation. - Corrected a crate logic miscount on Friday causing the level to think there was more crates than there actually were. - Fixed some issues with the level transition system on Friday [b]Feature Changes[/b] +/- Adjusted crate spawn count on Friday. We may have to update our project's Unity version soon due to a bug regarding prefab IDs. Due to this development may be delayed over the next few days. Be sure to be looking out for updates on our Discord!