Patch August 21

Defend the Highlands: World Tour

Command Alfredo and his band of Scotsmen as they travel the globe, freeing their oppressed countrymen wherever they go. In a hybrid of Tower Defense and RTS, you'll build defenses, manage resources and command your troops, as you show the world what happens if you mess with Scotland.

We have released another patch today, with the following changes: [list] [*]Reduced overall difficulty level slightly. [*]Enemy is now more weak, and for slightly longer after each attack wave. [*]Reduced difficulty level of the following maps: Mt. Vesuvius, Aswan Dam, Great Barrier Reef, Aussie Outback, Mt. Fuji [*]Added a margin around each unit in which clicking will cause the unit to be selected, or attacked, making it easier to click-select or order attacks on distant or small units. [*]Fixed bug where ordering a unit to harvest oats from a field where a previous Scotsman had died would sometimes cause the dead body to move away from the farm a few metres. [*]Fixed syncing of porridge cannon kills stat with the Steam Cloud, so the porridge cannon kills achievement can now be attained without having to get all 100 kills in one sitting. [*]Fixed issue of Ned Kelly not spawning on Aussie Outback level. [*]Fixed lag and audio glitches that sometimes occurred during battle loss commentary. [*]Fixed issue where Khufu's projectile sometimes wouldn't spawn when he played his attack animation. [*]Raised the height at which Khufu's projectile spawns, so it is less likely to hit the cover object he is using. [*]Fixed muzzle flash and smoke for Napoleon and Abraham Lincoln, so it no longer rotates with the character as if still connected to the gun. [*]Repositioned gun in Mafia characters' hand so it points in the correct direction. [*]Fixed an error that caused a performance impact when using the Deep Fryer. [*]Fixed navigation issues on Mt Vesuvius that sometimes caused units to have difficulty pathing around haggis factory or get stuck in the bottom enemy spawn area. [*]It is no longer possible to place towers outside of the gameplay area. [*]Clicking to place a tower when the cursor is pointing at the sky will no longer cause the tower to be placed at the last point where the cursor was pointing at the ground. [/list] Thanks to everyone who's contacted us with feedback or reported bugs. We greatly appreciate it.