Patch and Content Update 1.13

Zero Below The Sun

Classic survival horror reimagined with a retro look and modern feel, set in a top secret underground research facility in Antarctica.

Hey! It's finally time for an overdue update. I hope you will enjoy! [u][b]Fixes and updates:[/b][/u] [list] [*]Xbox controllers: Toggle Map menu with SELECT/Back button [*]Added missing sound effects [*]Added a new Steam achievement [*]Updated art assets in some areas [*]Updated the lighting in some areas [*]Updated UI buttons highlight graphic to be more clearly visible [*]Updated some objective descriptions [*]Updated text in New Game prompt [*]Adjusted some door's collision detection [*]Adjusted some enemy's damage and health [*]Adjusted some weapon's damage [*]Fixed weapon reload issue while inventory is open [*]Fixed an inventory animation glitch while opening the inventory [*]Fixed an issue where the player was being locked out from some areas after entering [*]Fixed a bug with some objective's states [*]Removed incorrect "REVIEW BUILD" labeling in title screen [/list] That's it for now. Until next time!