PATCH 5.1.0


An absurdly silly adventure full of racing, laughs, and unexpected surprises. Roll, sprint, jump, fly and sneeze your way to victory on the racetrack and beyond!

As we drive into the Hallo-weekend, here's some patches for WHAT THE CAR? 🎃🔨🔧 Have a nice drink (even just a glass of water! stay hydrated! 💧) and read through the report ⏬ [h1] 🛠 CHANGES AND FIXES SUMMARY 🛠 [/h1] [list] [*] Fixed rare softlock issue in Episode 7. [*] Changed UI in elevator menu from decorative to functional (now it scrolls!) [*] Adjusted the gold times for these levels so it's a bit easier 🥇: - IT DOESN’T EVEN RAIN - CAR-ILLA LIKE BANANA - THE RUDE SANDSTORM -SHAR-CAR-NADO [*] Removed an invisible wall blocking players from reaching the finish line in the Frogger level. 🐸 The one Smii7y was struggling with. Oopsie. [*] Removed invisible bumps on the roads slowing down your speed in the levels THEY SEE ME ROLLING and WHEELS ON FIRE ALREADY MOM’S SPAGHETTI. This issue has continued for a while but we're hoping this one is it 🤞 [/list] We keep an eye on any feedback regarding difficult times or potential cheating, so give us a shout here on the community page or on Discord and we'll take a look! You can also report bugs right here on Steam (Steam Community) or on our [url=]Discord[/url] at #car-bugs. Our bug-bears read them all the time and catch up as soon as possible! <3 Remember when reporting bugs, please add what device you're on and some clear description of the issue (picture or video helps a lot) Happy hallo-wheels!!!!! 🚖🦇👻🎃🐻 SPOOKY HONKS, - Sarah (Community Manager)