Patch 2.0

AntQueen 3D

Experience a game where you live through the cycle of an ant colony. You can dig your own tunnels, organize your colony, customize your army, but you need to survive every wave of attack!

[h1][b]Hi, and welcome to Ant Queen 3D[/b][/h1] [h1][u]NEW STUFF[/u][/h1] [list] [*]Players were having a hard time to find what ants or aphids were under attack. So, I added a visiual indicator that starts from the colony entrance and goes in the direction of the attack point. It's a trail of sparkling red pheromones. [*]Almost each level in the campaign has a few dialogs. Now the camera rotate towards what unit that is speaking and that unit also is highlighted. If for any reason there are no nursers or no workers, AKA the player is really bad, the dialogs will still be happening, but for logic reasons there are no more highlights. [*]When the player finishes a level in the campaign, at the end he has a two new buttons. Continue to the next level or go back to the selection. [/list] [h1][u]FIXED STUFF[/u][/h1] [list] [*]Highlighting square was acting weird. The green square won't stay active when you release the mouse button. [*]Fixed a few typos. How can I be that bad of a writer!?... [*]If any level requires some ants, only adult ants are being taken in consideration [*]The queen cannot be unselected in the first two levels [*]Optimized saving. Should be a little faster. It still needs works, but it's better [*]There was a bug with levels showing a timer countdown and level objective [*]Tunnels will only start collapsing once the player reaches 45 ants. [*]Once you set volume, mouse or zoom settings. It will automatically preset at each level [/list] [h1][u]WORK IN PROGRESS[/u][/h1] [list] [*]Fix level 15 and the Ai colony [*]Back propagation buttons issue [*]Add new UI buttons [/list] Once more, thank you for helping me out. Cheers