Patch #1 (Update:Live)

Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom

A legendary series returns with a grand new adventure! Enjoy a colorful action-adventure game made alongside Ryuichi Nishizawa, creator of the original Wonder Boy in Monster World series.

[b]Hi Everyone, [/b] We hope you're all having tons of fun with Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom! Today we'd like to give you an update on what we've been working on to improve your experience. The first patch is going to be released soon (it's currently in testing). Here's some information on it [img][/img] [b]Patch #1 includes:[/b] [list] [*] [b]Ring Menu:ON[/b] setting will get a QoL update. If you liked the current functionality, nothing changes for you. Additionally it will be possible to hold the key, choose the transformation/magic with the L-Stick and confirm by just releasing the key. This way the ring menu will be faster to use. [*] Better stability in sound module when the sound device is removed or unplugged. (we received crashlogs which showed issues here). [*] Fixed a camera glitch in Lost Temples region. [*] Fixed menu navigation issue when a specific amount of items was stocked. [*] Jukebox songs play to the end properly (2 songs have been buggy) [*] Low performance mode: If you run below 30fps the game will now execute render updates to avoid physics issues with jump height and water currents. [*] Fixed graphical bug in background with a specific level. [*] Once you entered volcano area, small savespots will revive you with 5 hearts refilled instead of 3 in case of failing. [*] Fixed spawn position of a crate in the forest that was buggy when playing with unlocked framerate above 120fps. [*] Improved fullscreen video setting to hopefully prevent low resolution startup bug that was reported by some players. [/list]