Patch 1.5

Alchemy Emporium

Welcome, promising young alchemist, to Alchemy Emporium! Manage your new emporium and become the greatest alchemist of all time!

Here is a list of the bugs fixed with [b]patch 1.5[/b]: [list] [*] Fixed the behavior of the partner when it has been liquidated. You can access the partner panel by clicking the button in the upper right left corner of the alchemist tab; [*] Fixed a bug which caused the reputation to drop a lot in short time; [*] Fixed some texts in Italian that were displayed also in the English version; [*] Updated the behavior of the stress inside the organizer. This update affects also the burnout state (flames icon) that were causing a lot of problems; [*] Added new type of quests; [*] Fixed the behavior of the tutorial button in the tools screen; [*] Enhanced the aspect of some panels; [*] Updated some mouse hover texts; [*] Fixed the behavior of multiple pop ups and screens; [*] Fixed some minor graphical bugs. [/list] We are still working on all the other feedbacks and bugs. If you have any consideration or you find a bug, please post it here or in the Steam discussions and we will do our best to solve them. Thank you!