Hey all, it's been a while! We've taken the time to polish up a large collection of fixes throughout the game and build some long-awaited features.
[*] Those interested in [i]creativity[/i] and [i]community[/i] may find and enjoy a new door hidden in the kingdoms.
[*] You can now see ghosts of players with a similar best time after first completion or watching a replay, on almost all levels. This can be turned off in gameplay options.
[*] A hub select menu is now available after completing the game. This can be accessed with the leaderboard button while standing around in a hub.
Additional patch notes:
[*] Background quality has been added in video options.
[*] Desktop icon has been updated.
[*] Audio obeys settings when launching the game.
[*] A small tweak has been made to the credits.
[*] Simulation quality setting saves properly.
[*] Language setting saves properly.
[*] A bug where the camera would suddenly move to a wrong location has been fixed.
[*] A softlock in the credits has been fixed.
[*] A visual bug with the final Dream has been fixed.
[*] The popup for Assist Mode has been made less intrusive.
[*] A significant amount of visual and audio polish has been added to the Battle for the Last Kingdom.
[*] Several sources of replay desyncs have been fixed for the Battle for the Last Kingdom. This affects physics but existing replays are unaffected.
[*] If a replay fails to upload, the game will upload a replay-less score to the leaderboard.
[*] An exploit allowing for fast, invalid times to be submitted for the Fallen Kingdom has been fixed.
[*] An exploit where a glideless level could be played with access to glide has been fixed.
[*] Spirit Birds are more visible.
[*] A visual effect has been added when collecting a Spirit Bird and when collecting all Spirit Birds in a level.
[*] A missing hole in the Lake Kingdom hub has been fixed.
[*] Cutscenes should now be deterministic.
[*] Replay times should be consistent when restarting a level.
[*] A one-frame input delay has been removed. This affects physics but existing replays are preserved.
[*] A bug where input time could be one frame off has been fixed.
[*] A bug where levels started in-progress with Assist Mode could be submitted to the leaderboard has been fixed. This should account for most invalid leaderboard submissions.
[*] All runs now record their replays locally, for logging purposes.
[*] A very niche softlock has been fixed during the Finale.
[*] Z-fighting has been fixed in the Forest Dream.
[*] Checkpoint priorities have been added to two Forest levels that were missing them.
[*] A new "Disable Progress" Assist Mode option has been added. This disables new checkpoints from being set and disables the level completion door.
[*] Certain objects in the simulated effects layer no longer lag behind a frame.
[*] Return to hub on Finale levels bring you to the correct door.
[*] Vertical wrapping now works on most menus.
[*] The input bound to Interact now works as the Confirm button in all cases.
[*] The cloak now refills fully and properly in all cases, including landing on a surface for less than a frame. This affects physics but existing replays are preserved.
[*] Leeway calculation has been tweaked to be more consistent and intuitive. This affects physics but existing replays are preserved.
[*] A bug where different simulated effects would stretch vertices towards each other has been fixed.
[*] The invulnerability assist mode option now functions in the Battle for the Last Kingdom.
[*] A bug that would prevent quick restart from working has been fixed.
[*] A few optimizations to scene loading have been made.
[*] A few player animations now rotate to stand on sloped surfaces.
[*] Music now fades out correctly.
[*] The Saves menu has been polished up a bit, and now display the saved level if available.
[*] A bug where the Controls menu would stop functioning after a scene change has been fixed.
[*] Controls and settings now save as plaintext, so that they are easier to edit.
[*] Collectible totems now have an audio cue on collect.
[*] Scenes now preload as soon as they are confirmed, saving a few seconds of load time. This can be disabled in gameplay settings.
[*] The Outer Forest has been added as a replayable level with a leaderboard.
[*] Cloak visuals have been tweaked in game as well as in cutscenes.
[*] The credits and Fallen Kingdom cutscene are now skippable after the first play in the save.
[*] Replays always return to hub when finished, including levels that end in a cutscene.
[*] The 1.2.3 version will continue to be available to play, although it will no longer upload scores globally.
Thanks to everyone who have supported us for the past few years and a special shoutout to members of the Speedrunning Discord! Your amazing feedback during the Beta, the wonderful events held at ESA and more, and the catalogue of community tools have been truly inspiring.