Patch 1.3 - Chinese Translation + Mature Content

The Wilting Amaranth

The Wilting Amaranth is a short yuri (GxG) romance visual novel based very loosely on a familiar fairy tale. It features 2 character routes, 13 endings, and 3 to 5 hours of gameplay.

Hello everyone! As of 1/29/19, Reine Works has added another patch (1.3) to the game. Here's the changelog: [list] [*] Simplified Chinese translation added - Switch between English and Chinese on the main menu [*] 1 English typo fixed [*] A minor bug within Isolde's route was fixed [*] Ending/credits sequence was redone - New ending theme added [*] The content patch was updated with various typo fixes [/list] We've also added the mature content patch those over the age of 18 courtesy of Reine Works. It's free and can be downloaded from here: ---------- The Wilting Amaranth(花朵永不凋零)是一款简短的百合向游戏。故事以民 间传说为蓝本。其中包含2条角色分支,13个结局和3到5小时的游戏流程。 三个女人一台戏。在恶名昭彰的女巫塔内,她们被命运的红绳紧缚着,走尽 百转千层。她们各自有各自的不幸,她们饱含爱意却不可倾诉——展露出真 实的自我,透露出对同性的喜爱,会遭到人们的唾弃。面对如此现状,唯有 苦苦挣扎。 与社会主流的爱情观背道而驰,真的会迎来圆满结局吗?