Patch 1.14 - The Real Horror Is Game Dev and the Friends We Made Along the Way.

Future Racer 2000

Only You Can Be The Future Racer 2000

Hey all, Patch #4 on this beautiful Sunday comin at ya. Im absolutely not losing my mind over here, don't worry. Im just roleplaying it *for the game*. its just a bit. im a method developer. dont worry. Added a few things, fixed a thing. [list] [*] There are tutorial "notifications" that let you know the controls. I saw too many people play and never realize you could press Q to see what to do or right click to zoom...because I never told ya. So now thats changed. [*] You can change the difficulty whenever ya want. Even mid race. There's also a popup mid race if you lose enough that will let you know to change the difficulty if youre getting frustrated. A challenge is fun - but some people either dont have the dexterity or desire to do a QTE and they shouldnt have to if they dont wanna! [*] You now have to "click" to get out of a notification. I realized some notifications were disappearing too quickly for some people to read - and instead of trying to pick a time that could annoy players wanting to get a move on or frustrate players who want to take their time, Im just gonna let you decide when youve read enough. [/list] Bug I changed the buzzer around in the last update to test a few things. I forgot to change it back. It is now...back. I assume this will inevitably create another bug or two (or 7). If you find any bugs, lemme know. To be totally honest, I have *really* bad adhd and it makes keeping track of details difficult sometimes (always). Ive created systems to mitigate the issues it causes - but obviously, some things slip through the cracks. Game dev in particular seems to be the - boss battle - in a sense for all my adhd tendencies so I just want to emphasize again that I appreciate all the wonderful support and patience ya'll have given me. Feelin lucky, if just a little tired. <3tim