Die, Pablo! - A tower defense adventure

The world famous chef Louis is mad! He animates all sorts of inanimate objects to attack the restaurant critic Pablo for an alleged bad review of his restaurant. Luckily, Pablo likes playing tower defense games and knows exactly how to defend himself!

Happy new year, Roaches! :D Patch 1.10 with lots of changes! [u][b]Balance[/b][/u] [list] [*] fire planes base damage increased to 150% (was 120%). [*] ice plane maximum damage decreased to 250% (was 350%). [*] freezing maximum damage decreased to 250% (was 500%). [/list] [u][b]Quality of Life[/b][/u] [list] [*] Steam Overlay can now be activated during map selection and during a paused level. [*] when player 2 uses a skill that can't be used (no paper / occupied space), the skill will now remain selected. [*] player 2 selection areas are now on a lower layer, meaning player 1 can now hover over towers and enemies to check on them even if player 2 is using a skill. [/list] [u][b]Bug fixes[/b][/u] [list] [*] bosses that can't be hit by planes should no longer be able to be hit by area effects. [*] player 2 selection areas will now turn invisible when switching levels. [*] player 2 can no longer build in unbuildable areas in chapter 8. [*] tower life behaved oddly in multiplayer. Should be fixed now. [*] the time announcement is no longer above the boss name, when hovering over the boss life bar. [*] music and beat now restart together when entering a boss fight. [*] ultimate star upgrades can now be selected properly and have the correct image displayed. [/list] [u][b]Minor fixes[/b][/u] [list] [*] fixed typo in German achievement description for beating chapter 8. [*] chain lightning description fixed. [/list]