🔧 Patch 1.1.7 now available 🐴

Horse Tales: Emerald Valley Ranch

Set off on a captivating horseback adventure and discover the mysteries of Emerald Valley!

Hello Riders, [b]Patch 1.1.7 for [i]Horse Tales: Emerald Valley Ranch[/i] is now available[/b]! Here is what it brings: [list][*]Fixed an issue where the game gets stuck while washing the horse in the washing center [*]Fixed an issue where horses were no longer visible in the pasture [*]Fixed an issue where Gabriel teleports inside the mountain while following the traces during “Lost in Sight” objective [*]Fixed an issue where the Washing Stable blueprint disappears after reloading the game [*]Fixed an issue where the horse disappears from the “Success” cutscene after taming a horse [*]Fixed an issue where the “Wait” option was still available on the chair after completing the “Party Time” objective [*]Fixed a crash that could occur when selling a horse to Stan [*]Fixed an issue where the objective marker for Noella’s location was in the wrong location [*]Fixed various crashes that could occur over the whole playthrough[/list] 🐴 [b]Play Horse Tales: Emerald Valley Ranch now[/b] https://store.steampowered.com/app/1474740/Horse_Tales_Emerald_Valley_Ranch/ 📬 Stay connected! [url=https://twitter.com/Microids_off]Twitter[/url] - [url=https://www.facebook.com/microids/]Facebook[/url] - [url=https://www.instagram.com/microids_official/]Instagram[/url] - [url=https://www.tiktok.com/@microids]TikTok[/url] - [url=https://discord.gg/microids]Discord[/url]