Patch 1.1 10/16/24

Tombstone Tally

Tombstone Tally is a cross between bingo and a scavenger hunt where you check off squares based on ridiculous tombstones. Play with your friends! Smack them around with a shovel and challenge them on three maps, including a fast paced arena mode!

[h1]Patch notes for version 1.1:[/h1] [h2]New additions:[/h2] [list] [*] Current scores can be checked with the ESC menu. [*] Improved AI movement. [*] Improved AI performance. [*] If you run out of shovels in the map, more will spawn. [/list] [h2]Visual fixes:[/h2] [list] [*] Ragdolling now shows attached extras. [*] Various optimization improvements. [*] Fixed camera clipping. [/list] [h2]Bug fixes:[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed some grave epitaph assignments. [*] Joining via friends should now always work correctly. [*] Blackout now notifies when the player is about to win. [*] AI can be hit before they mark a square. [*] If you kick bots, server list should be correct after ending game. [/list] [h2]Known bugs:[/h2] [list] [*] Some hardware configurations may result in the game not starting at all. Still collecting data on this. [*] If the host returns all players to the lobby there could be a sync issue. [*] Joining via Steam in certain menus/modes may cause issues. [*] Flashlights don't sync position exactly correctly. [*] Returning to lobby after finishing a multiplayer game can have issues with gamepads. [/list]